


Package for Toronto the Good
In Artword Theatre
mainspace, June 14-July 28, 2002
Toronto The Good
(Singing, dancing and comedy - 1890s style)
An Artword Theatre production written and
directed by Ronald Weihs
Yes, folks, in the 1890's Toronto
is not so good ... There are schemers,
quacks, swindlers, and fallen women..
A musical with singing, dancing and general carrying-on,
based on 1890s original sources:
(gossip columns, court reports, temperance tracts,
investigative journalism,
song sheets, vaudeville routines, and more!)
Music Director:
Thomas Baker
Cast: Ann Bisch, Alastair Love,
Michelle Piller, Susanne Schneider, Robin White
Times and Prices:
Previews, June 14, 15 at 8:30 pm and June 16 at 3:00 pm (all
tickets $15)
Opens June 18 at 8:30 pm, runs to July 28, 2002
Tues, Wed, Thurs at 8:30 pm: regular $28,
senior/students/equity $22
Sat mat at 4 pm, Sun mat at 3 pm: regular $28,
senior/students/equity $22
Fri, Sat at 8:30: regular $32, senior/students/equity
Advance ticket reservations through the St. Lawrence Centre
Ticket Line, 416-366-7723,
Artword Theatre opens for ticket sales and pickup ONE HOUR
Victorian era was a time of great social turmoil. If the
Victorians were obsessed with morality (and they were!) it
was because no one was sure any more what was right and
proper. The class structure was breaking down and codes of
behaviour were disintegrating. Women began to demand their
place in the political arena, and the right to social
independence. And the behaviour of young girls
the 1880s, a reform movement led by Mayor Howland cleaned up
the city, both politically and morally, and created the
image of Toronto the Good. By the 1890s,
however, natural human impulses were reasserting themselves.
Women in bloomers rode bicycles in High Park and flirted
with dudes on Yonge Street. Despite the blue
laws, streetcars were running on Sunday. Despite the
morality squad, houses of ill fame flourished.
the Good! draws on advertisements and newspaper
articles of the period to bring the era to life, in all its
richness and complexity. The morning papers were sober and
political. The evening papers captivated its readers with
scandals, wild goings-on, bizarre ads for patent medicines,
and investigative reports on the seamier side of life in
of the period evoke all sides of the question, from militant
temperance songs (Throw Down the Bottle) to
saucy show tunes (The Girl with the Cigarette)
to heart-rending ballads (Song of the Outcast).
The songs are performed in the original arrangements, with
luscious four-part choruses.
the Good! shows you all the things that the
Victorians did not want you to know about, full of good
spirits and great tunes.