Artword stage expanded by knocking down a wall, doubling the playing area. Composers’ Soirée, featuring four more arias for Heloise, by William Beauvais (music) and Judith Sandiford (libretto). Circus Gothic, by Jan Kudelka, performed by Jan Kudelka, music by Cameron Shook. The Lecture, written and performed by Linda Brokenshire, directed by John Turner, a clown lecture. The Age of Dorian, by Greg Morrison, a musical theatre adaptation of The Picture of Dorian Gray, directed by Sandra Balcovske, with Steven Morel, Todd Stewart, Amanda Leigh, Andrew Pifcoe, Andrew Stelmack, Gretchen Helbig and Robert Miller. Daniel Rubinoff, classical saxiphonist, in concert with Gloria Saarinen, piano, playing from his new CD, The Old Castle., featuring works by Shumann, Vaughn Williams and Srul Irving Glick. Nipplefish, the next wave, a concert by Cyrus and friend.s James Howard gives acting classes at Artword. The Greenwood Trio in concert, Gloria Saarinen (piano), Mary Delli Colli (mezzo) and David Dunbar (tenor/actor), with special guests form the Dixon Hall Music School. Multimedia and poetry performances, part of the First Acorn/Livesay People’s Poetry Festival, with Clifton Joseph, Geordie McDonald, Eric Ruly, July McNeill, Simon Frank, Uncritical Mass and Joe Blades. Whoever You Are, written and directed by Ronald Weihs, based on a science fiction story by Judith Merril, with Hume Baugh, Don Ciaschini, Rhonda Lee Stephenson and Chad Hershler, music by Eugene Martynec and Geordie McDonald. Concert Performance of first act of Heloise, a new chamber opera by William Beauvais (music) and Judith Sandiford (libretto), performed by Linda Eyman (soprano), Alan Gasser (tenor), Paul Oros (baritone), with MarieLine Ross (piano). CD Release Party for Silica, by Eugene Marynec, featuring dancers Carly Wong and Michael DuMaresq Goblin Market, Christina Rossetti’s classic poem told by Clare Nobbs, storyteller.
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