Month: April 2015

  • Why Hydro One should not be privatized

    Hydro One Voltage Lines in Woodbridge Ontario, photo Tom Stefanac, from Wikipedia The privatization of Hydro One is a terrible idea, for many reasons. There is one argument that I have not seen in the press, and I’d like to present it now. The idea that retaining the single largest portion of shares guarantees control…

  • Cycling in London, with Boris Bikes

    Boris Bikes at Hyde Park, photo by ZanMan (from WikiMedia) This visit, I decided to try cycling in London. When I first went to London, many years ago, the traffic was scary. The streets were filled with cars tearing around corners at high speed, especially cabs. And, of course, for a Canadian visitor, these cars…

  • Ensemble theatre company Idle Motion: Shooting with Light

    Shooting with Light. Photo by Richard Davenport Our biggest surprise in our recent London theatre binge was a production by an ensemble company called Idle Motion, at a small space called the New Diorama Theatre near Euston Station. The play was Shooting with Light, “devised, written and directed collaboratively by Grace, Sophie, Nathan, Ellie, Juian…

  • Lullingstone Castle and the World Garden

    On a whim, we visited the ancient castle of the Hart Dyke family, with a pedigree going right back to William the Conqueror. Our friend David Hart Dyke, Green Party Candidate for Stoney Creek, would sometimes mention (after I had served him a beer or two) that in England he was a Baronet. “Our castle is in…

  • Neo-nazis on the tube

    We had a chilling experience last night on the London Tube Circle Line. A noisy, drunken crowd of men, and one woman, piled on the train, singing and shouting. They had extreme east-end accents, so that even my relatively well-tuned Canadian ear could hardly make out anything that they were saying. I assumed that they…