Art Crawl, Commedia dell’Arte puppets, Fri Sep 10

StudioBabette1.jpgFriday September 10 (Art Crawl). Studio Babette presents Pulcinella, il Cameriere (Pulcinella, the Waiter), a fun-filled puppet play using hand puppets inspired by the Commedia dell’Arte.
POSTERartwordpulcinella1.jpgJoin Pulcinella as he attempts to impress Pantalone, in order to get closer to Pantalone’s flirtatious daughter Babette, while the Dog threatens to ruin everything.
There are three showtimes  (runs under 30 mins):
7:30 pm, 9:00 pm, 10:30 pm – “pass-the-hat” for each show.
Music after each show:
8-9: PIP Jazzy Songs, vocals and guitar,
9:30-10:30 and 11:00 – 12:00 – Odradek, improvising new music trio

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