Author: Ronald Weihs

  • Neo-nazis on the tube

    We had a chilling experience last night on the London Tube Circle Line. A noisy, drunken crowd of men, and one woman, piled on the train, singing and shouting. They had extreme east-end accents, so that even my relatively well-tuned Canadian ear could hardly make out anything that they were saying. I assumed that they…

  • Arcola Theatre: Shrapnel

    Arcola studio 1 Our first night in London this visit: we’ve slept off our red-eye flight jet lag, and it’s time to get out! Why not go to our favorite alternative theatre, the Arcola, in wonderful, multicultural Dalston? Dinner first at the Mangal Turkish restaurant, lamb spare ribs (yum) and then a short walk to…

  • Learie Mc Nicolls in Transformation at Artword Artbar

    Learie McNicolls in Transformation at Artword Artbar Learie Mc Nicolls confronts the demons of poverty, violence and fear in his powerful new work, Transformation: a Journey of the Soul’s Healing, at Artword Artbar, March 25 and 26, 2015, at 9:00 pm. An Artword Theatre production, directed by Ronald Weihs, Transformation combines dance, spoken word, soundscape…

  • Alice’s obituary

    WEIHS, Alice Elizabeth (nee Fritsch)Passed away peacefully on February 18, 2015, at the age of 93, cared for by her son Ronald Weihs and his partner Judith Sandiford at their home in Hamilton, ON. Her son Frederick Weihs and her sister Rosemarie Herrell were of great support during her final months. Alice was born on…

  • The Circle Unbroken

    Alice Weihs at her 90th birthday party at PAL. Taken by Alla Palagina. My mother Alice died last Wednesday (February 18, 2015) in the early morning. She was in my house in Hamilton, where Judith and I had been looking after her since last November. She was born on August 27, 1921, and had a…